Up one Baking. By Lee Davison. Up to top

Chocolate sponge ...mmmmmmmm... Introduction.

I wanted to bake a chocolate sponge cake recently (don't laugh I can bake!) so I went to the library to get some cake making formulas recipes. One book looked quite good at first glance, one cake per page pair (well you try turning the page while up to your armpits in eggs and flour etc.), pictures, step by step instructions. So I started to read...

"First prepare the sponge mix according to the instructions on the packet."

Do bloody what?! Here I am all tooled up with flour, eggs, butter, two huge bars of Cadbury Bournville primo dark chocolate and enough caster sugar to repel an invading army of diabetics1 and they expect me to use sponge mix!

Sod that for a game of soldiers, I want proper cake that I made with my own two hands not some mix-'n'-bake clone cake, I can buy those ready cooked.

So here's at least one simple recipe and complete destructions, with pictures, on how to bake your own sponge cake.

Mother will be proud.

  • Chocolate sponge.
  • Melting chocolate.
  • Whisking egg whites.
  • Finishing off.
  • [1] No, I don't have anything against diabetics.

    Last page update: 28th July, 2003. e-mail me e-mail